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I started (again) my blog

I started (again) my blog

I started my blog again. I want to highlight a few reasons why I did it:

1. Learn how to write

Back in my childhood, I loved to put my thoughts on paper. As a child, I wrote stories, even poems, but over time, I lost my skills to express my thoughts well. I hope this blog will help me to put the words and phrases in the right order so that my thoughts can easily reach other people's heads.

2. To learn

The best way to learn is to teach (even if nobody is reading you). As Paul Graham and Richard Feynman said, writing about something, even something you know well, usually shows you that you didn’t know it as well as you thought.

3. To improve my English

I'm not a native speaker, and my English level is far from ideal. I think writing blog posts about what I came across and things that I care about seems to be a good way to strengthen my writing skills.

4. Share ideas

I do have some ideas. Not particularly original, but I can enrich them with my personal view. I will use this blog to release ideas that I have in my head and that I need to get out. Even if nobody else cares about them, writing them down can be a cathartic process.

5. Make a cheat sheet

To be completely honest, what I write here will be primarily for me. I will share with myself the recipes and thoughts I had before. That will help me to return to the approaches that worked for me in the past. After years, I will have a nice journal of how you have evolved over the years. Rereading your old texts is like communicating with your past self.

6. To help others

I want to work with smart people. By reading my blog, other developers may find useful information that will help them learn something new or solve the same issues I faced. The steep learning curve associated with a lot of engineering activities becoming a cliff and as a fellow engineer, I want to help other engineers.

7. Cool

It’s cool to maintain a blog, even if it’s only from a technical perspective. Working as a full stack dev for a while, I sometimes miss it. The feeling of complete ownership over something is really fulfilling, even if it’s just some bytes on a remote server in this ethereal world.

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