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Choosing the Right AWS Storage Service: A Comprehensive Guide to S3, S3N, and S3A

Choosing the Right AWS Storage Service: A Comprehensive Guide to S3, S3N, and S3A

Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service) is a popular cloud-based storage service offered by Amazon Web Services (AWS) that allows businesses to store, retrieve, and manage large amounts of data. With its highly scalable and reliable infrastructure, AWS S3 has become a go-to solution for companies of all sizes and industries.

But did you know that Amazon also offers two alternative interfaces for accessing S3: S3N and S3A? These interfaces provide additional functionality and performance improvements for specific use cases.

In this blog post, we'll dive into the technical details to give you a better understanding of the differences between S3, S3N, and S3A. We'll compare their performance and reliability, examine their key features and benefits, and provide recommendations on which interface to use in different scenarios. So, let's get started!


S3 is a cloud-based object storage service provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS) that allows users to store and retrieve any amount of data, at any time, from anywhere on the web. S3 is built to provide high durability, availability, and scalability, with low latency and cost. It stores data in a simple key-value format and supports a wide range of data types, from small text files to large media files, and even databases.

Key Features and Benefits of Amazon S3

πŸ“ˆ High Scalability: S3 is designed to automatically scale to meet the demands of any size of data, with virtually unlimited storage capacity.

πŸ’ͺ High Durability and Availability: S3 stores data across multiple availability zones, which ensures that data is always available and protected against data loss or system failures.

πŸ”’ Secure: S3 provides industry-standard encryption and access control mechanisms to ensure that data is always secure.

⚑ Flexible: S3 supports multiple storage classes, including standard, infrequent access, and archive storage, to provide flexible options for data storage based on access frequency and cost.

πŸ”„ Easy Integration: S3 can be integrated with other AWS services such as AWS Lambda, AWS Glue, AWS EC2, and AWS EMR, etc to build end-to-end data processing and analysis workflows.

Overall, S3 is a versatile and scalable storage solution that provides high durability and availability, secure data storage, and flexible storage options, making it a popular choice for businesses of all sizes and industries.


S3N (Amazon S3 Native File System) is an older Hadoop file system implementation that allows users to access data stored in S3. It was built on top of the S3 protocol and used the S3 block API to emulate a Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) interface. However, S3N is now considered outdated and is no longer recommended for use with Hadoop.

Comparison of S3N to S3

βž• High performance and scalability for big data processing. S3N is designed to provide high throughput and low latency when accessing data stored in S3, making it ideal for big data processing.

βž• Easy integration with Hadoop tools and workflows. S3N is compatible with the HDFS, which makes it easy to integrate with existing Hadoop workflows and tools.

βž– Limited functionality compared to S3 and S3A. The reason for this is that S3N is based on an older version of the S3 API, which does not support some of the newer features and storage classes available in S3.

βž– Limited compatibility with other non-Hadoop tools and workflows.

βž– May require more technical expertise to set up and manage than S3.

Overall, S3N is now considered an outdated interface and is no longer recommended for use with Hadoop, it’s better to switch to S3A.


S3A (Amazon S3A File System) is a newer and recommended Hadoop-compatible interface for accessing data stored in S3. S3A was introduced as part of Apache Hadoop 2.7.0. It is built on top of the S3 protocol and uses the S3 object API to provide better performance, scalability, and functionality compared to S3N.

S3A supports all the features and storage classes available in the S3 API, including S3 Standard, S3 Standard-Infrequent Access, S3 Intelligent-Tiering, S3 One Zone-Infrequent Access, and S3 Glacier. It also supports all the features for managing data provided by the S3 API, such as versioning, lifecycle policies, and cross-region replication.

Comparison of S3A to S3 and S3N

Compared to S3, S3A provides a more seamless and integrated experience when it comes to accessing data stored in S3 within a Hadoop environment. It offers improved performance and more advanced features than S3N. However, S3A lacks some of the advanced features and flexibility of S3.

βž• Improved performance and scalability for big data workloads. S3A can handle larger file sizes and has better fault tolerance and error handling capabilities, which can help ensure data integrity and reliability. S3A also provides better performance for bulk data transfers, as it supports multipart uploads and downloads, allowing you to parallelize data transfers and optimize network usage.

βž• Seamless integration with Hadoop workflows and tools. S3A is fully integrated with Hadoop, making it easy to use with existing Hadoop workflows and tools.

βž• Advanced features. S3A supports advanced features such as multipart uploads and downloads, which can improve the reliability and speed of data transfers.

βž• More flexibility in storage and access configurations. S3A provides users with more flexibility than S3N when it comes to customizing storage and access configurations.

βž– Limited functionality compared to S3, such as the ability to store data in different storage classes.

βž– May require more technical expertise to set up and manage than S3.

βž– May not be compatible with all Hadoop distributions.

Overall, S3A is a good option for businesses that require high performance and scalability when accessing data stored in S3, as well as it is a good Backup/DR option within a Hadoop environment. However, it may not be the best option for businesses that require more advanced features or that use other non-Hadoop tools and workflows.

Differences between S3, S3N, and S3A

S3, S3N, and S3A interfaces have different architectures and performance characteristics, and they are optimized for different use cases. S3 uses a REST API to access objects stored in S3 buckets, while S3N and S3A are Hadoop file system implementations that enable Hadoop clusters to read and write data to and from S3. S3N uses an older S3 block API interface, while S3A uses the newer S3 object API, providing better performance and more features.

S3, S3N, and S3A also offer different sets of features. S3 supports a wide range of advanced features such as lifecycle policies, versioning, and cross-region replication, while S3N and S3A both support some advanced features, but not as many as S3.

Key performance metrics

When choosing between S3, S3N, and S3A, it's essential to consider the key performance metrics that impact the suitability for different use cases.

S3 provides high data transfer rates for both uploads and downloads. With S3 Transfer Acceleration, users can achieve even faster data transfer rates by uploading data to AWS Edge Locations, which then transfer the data to S3. S3N and S3A provide fast data transfer rates for large data sets, making them well-suited for big data analytics and machine learning workloads.

In terms of IOPS, S3 provides high IOPS, making it suitable for a wide range of use cases, including backups, archives, and cloud-based application storage. S3N and S3A provide even higher IOPS, making them well-suited for real-time analytics and online gaming.

In terms of latency, S3 provides low latency for read operations, making it suitable for a wide range of use cases. S3N provides even lower latency, making it well-suited for use cases that require fast and predictable data access, such as real-time analytics and online gaming. S3A provides lower latency than S3, but higher latency than S3N, making it well-suited for big data analytics and machine learning workloads.

Which to Choose: S3, S3N, or S3A

The choice between S3, S3N, and S3A depends on the specific needs and requirements of your business. Each option has unique features and benefits that make them suitable for different workloads.

S3 is a versatile storage option that offers advanced features and multiple storage classes to cater to various business needs. S3N, on the other hand, is a simpler option that is easier to use and is well-suited for small to medium-sized workloads. Finally, S3A is an excellent choice for businesses that require high performance and scalability for big data workloads and use Hadoop workflows.

When choosing the best option for your business, it's important to consider factors such as the type and size of data being stored, the desired level of durability and availability, and required performance and cost characteristics. You should also evaluate the compatibility of each option with your existing tools and workflows. Overall, each option has its strengths, and by selecting the one that aligns with your business needs, you can take advantage of the benefits of cloud storage and drive innovation in your industry.

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